Dream Again

Many have had dreams that they have put in the past or feel are dead. My admonishment to you today is to Dream Again. For some the landscape of the dream and desire has changed and there is more opportunity than ever. For example, one dream many have based on research is to publish a book. Years ago this was an insurmountable task but now….literally anyone can do it. I believe just like publishing other landscapes have shifted and what you thought was dead and impossible is very much alive and reachable. It may be just take you reawakening to the dream.

When I was in elementary school I participated in the Theodore R. Gibson Oratorical Competition. We had to memorize and recite poems by African American authors. My first poem was Harlem by Langston Hughes and it goes as follows:

What happens to a dream deferred?

      Does it dry up
      like a raisin in the sun?
      Or fester like a sore—
      And then run?
      Does it stink like rotten meat?
      Or crust and sugar over—
      like a syrupy sweet?

      Maybe it just sags
      like a heavy load.

      Or does it explode?


With us now being in the #GreatResignation many are awakening to their dreams. They are discovering life in a fresh new way. They are taking leaps of faith and roads less traveled. They are dreaming the impossible dream and finding it to be attainable. My question for you is this, “Why not You and Why not NOW!!! Listen to more of my thoughts on Dream Again with my Tear Talk Podcast.


Not A No!

