
While journaling during my lunch yesterday I heard the words Now & Later. Though a unique combination of words I didn't dismiss it. Being the candy connoisseur that I am with an extreme sweet tooth I immediately thought of the square wrapped candy that comes in multiple flavors. However, I knew the words were not about the candy but a launching pad into something more. But I thought it would be interesting to see how Now & Later got its name. To my surprise I discovered the concept behind the name was all about how a person would like it now and definitely want some more later. I then wondered if there was a scripture that has the words Now and Later...believe it or not there is.

Hebrews 12:11 (TPT) says, Now all discipline seems to be painful at the time, yet later it will produce a transformation of character, bringing a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who yield to it. As I read this verse it lets us know our Now and our Later are both necessary on our journey. Some can be so focused on the Later that they don’t appreciate the Now and what is it meant to accomplish. As painful as the Now can be its purpose is to produce. That production is not things and external works but character. It’s easy to focus on visible things as a way to gage “success” and accomplishment. But the work of the heart is one of the greatest works we can ever accomplish.

Too many have gifts, charisma and influence but without character it can be dangerous. Maturity has helped me not to rush and understand the fullness of what discipline desires to accomplish in and through me. I can honestly say I thank God for His NO and His NOT YET. I say He loves me enough to allow me to continue to develop and work some things out so my character can match the new doors, the new influence and the old and new promises He has given me.  My hearts cry is to reflect image and likeness and to bring forth a harvest of righteousness.

The Amplified version says, “For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems sad and painful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness [right standing with God and a lifestyle and attitude that seeks conformity to God’s will and purpose].”

You can’t have a righteous harvest without being purely and properly disciplined. When you allow yourself to be trained by it instead of rejecting and fearing it the results are far beyond anything you could have ever imagined. What you focus on Now will result in what you see Later. What you yield to Now will result in what you birth Later. What you discipline Now will result in what you harvest Later. Your Now and Later are both necessary! You can't have one without the other. Consider this as we are still in the beginnings of this New Year which will require a New You. Your Now can be January and your Later can be December but what happens between those months is a result of your focus, your yielding and your discipline. Choose wisely so you can enjoy the sweetness of the work you allow to be accomplished in you so that others can also be able to partake of the harvest as well.

 #NowandLater #Discipline #Harvest #Point2Ponder #Consider #TheGoldenScribe #MaShaniAllen


Dream Again

