Your Speech


I received an interesting inbox message from someone I know personally. But it was off. When I responded by asking if it was the person, the reply I received was, "Does it not look like me, Woman of God??" Though it was my friend's picture this was not how he would reply. The next message was even more of an indication that this was not him and he'd been hacked.

I thought of the scripture with Peter when he was denying Jesus how one person said to him, Your speech betrays you. I began to think when we are full of the word and have a strong relationship with God it helps us to hear clearly when the enemy comes to the battlefield of the mind trying to hack our joy, hack our peace and hack our promise.

Though he may try to use something that can sound like God, a little truth mixed with a lie, something should trigger in us, Your speech betrays you. When he tries to convince us that it's ok to respond to situations based on our flesh, something should trigger, Your speech betrays you, and shut that DOWN!!!

I sent the messages to my friend's wife to let her know of the conversation since he's extremely busy. Her response was, Definitely NOT him. What's most interesting is the conversation started with him sending me a phone number, which was very odd. No message, just a number. She confirmed it was not his number.

The enemy is always looking for an access point, planting a thought or words to see if we will respond. But just like the wife immediately said, Definitely NOT him, the Holy Spirit and the Word detects, dispels and refutes the lies of the enemy, though it may come in a subtle way. Just as hackers become more sophisticated when they've been discovered so the enemy tries different devices to deceive, derail and diminish. This is why it is imperative to make your relationship with God a priority. When you know His word and have intimacy with Him you will know His voice which is His speech.

MaShani Allen

#CanUHearMeNOW #Deception #WisdomSpeaks #MaturityListens


~The Songird Sings~


Burden still remains