Burden still remains


I have a burden on my heart that I must share. Though this is the weekend of Mother’s Day it is not a joyous time for all. For some, this weekend comes with much hurt, pain and disappointment. Some have lost their mothers so there is grief. Some have never known their mother so there is abandonment. Some have a strained relationship with their mother so there is rejection. Some were abused by their mother so there is deep hurt. Some have lost children or never been able to have children so there is shame. This group of people gets lost in the crowd amidst all the flowers, cards and balloons. There’s nothing like a mother’s love but there is also nothing like a mothers wound. Though the wound may come from many different ways it plays a significant part in one’s life. We’ve been taught to honor but even in honoring it sometimes stops one from speaking the truth, especially a hard truth of what some have experienced, the pain they’ve endured and sometimes the shame that they carry. That silence has become an internal prison cell for many, unable to express themselves in order to get free.

My prayer is for those who may fall into any of these categories or one I didn’t mention that you experience the love of the Father. May you allow Him into those chamber areas of your heart to bring healing and deliverance. May you allow your tears to talk for He bottles everyone and knows what they mean. May you receive closure and clarity. May the love of the Father heal you from the rejection, abandonment, anger, resentment, fear, torment, shame and guilt. I pray that the love of the Father break generational curses and demonic bondages which have perpetuated cycles. May the perfect love of God cast out all fear. May the love of the Father heal the brokenhearted and bind up your wounds. May you be set free and delivered from all torment and night terrors. May the love of God cleanse you from all hurt, deep hurt, mother rejection, family rejection, violence, jealousy and envy.

May the love of the Father heal mothers who have carried emotional weights and baggage and found no form of relief. May mothers truly cast all their cares on Him for He cares for you. May there be a healing to bring restoration to relationships for mothers where there is distance and no communication. Father, we thank You for the family unit. We thank You for Mother’s and we pray this year that You not only bless mother’s but heal mother’s. We pray this year that You not only acknowledge mother’s but deliver mother’s. May You bring comfort and peace to those who are hurting. May You bring strength to those who are weak. May You bring wholeness to those who need healing. We pray all of this in Jesus name, Amen.

Prophet MaShani Allen

#HealingforMothersDay #MothersDayPrayer #HealtheBroken #MothersDay #MaShaniAllen


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Transparent Moment