
While I was on vacation I stayed away from my inbox and emails. To my surprise I had over 400 emails waiting for me. The issue is must of them no longer applied to me. Although at some point I purchased or responded to something that in turn gave them access to me it may have been 1 time or something I'm not longer interested in. They were unaware and kept sending communications. It wasn't on them it was on me to make a change. I was able to delete 90% but I had to do more than delete. I realized I needed to unsubscribe. Deleting would only be a temporary fix for some. It would only keep some out of my inbox for a day or two. I had to do the painful task of going through each email to find the unsubscribe button to keep them out of my email all together.

Have you ever considered your mind to be like an inbox? How many notifications are you getting to ideas, thought processes, ideologies, perspectives, and opinions that you no longer agree with? This change can be based on life, situations, maturity, growth, and other factors. When do we decide to truly unsubscribe? To stop these thoughts, ideas, opinions, and perspectives from having direct access to us? This may cause uncomfortable conversations and in some extreme's isolation. But if you no longer subscribe, please find a way to make it known. Don't allow your brain to be clogged with what doesn't line up with your now. I found myself in conversation saying, I no longer subscribe to that perspective. Do you know how freeing and liberating that was? It was extremely gratifying. I was able to speak out of my mouth because it was something I had done and continue to do.

As we a well on our way into a new year and a new YOU, feel free to press UNSUBSCRIBE to negativity, limiting, controlling, and whatever other "ing" you can think of. You can hear more of my thoughts on this by listening to the Tear Talk Podcast.


