

Many times when we look at our life and experiences we can limit our perspective. One thing many of us don’t consider is the different factors that resulted in our experience. A factor is a circumstance, fact or influence that contributes to a result or outcome. With a true understanding of this definition man of us could remove and take off the unnecessary weights we carry because everything isn’t a result of us….factors play a key role as well.

As I look back on my life through me journal entries I have a new appreciation for different aspects of my journey. Why you ask….because I’ve added in the factors. I’ve acknowledged the things outside of my control. I’ve paid attention to the contributions of others and things. I’ve gotten a greater grasp of the full picture as a result my lens has increased.

Not recognizing and acknowledging factors can bring a very limited and skewed perspective. I really believe some will find a sense of liberty and freedom when they allow themselves to see the whole and not just a portion. Freedom can come in many ways…allowing yourself to see the factors can release weights off of your heart and soul. Press play and hear more of my thoughts about factors.

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