TRUST Prophetic Release

Don't be quick to reject...inspect.

Don't be quick to ignore...explore.

Don't be quick to disregard...consider.

Don't be quick to offend...extend.

For as you've studied My mind and learned My love a new lense has been provided to you. Trust the new view, trust the new perspective. Trust your new mind. Trust your new heart.Trust the new work. For as You've chosen to study its unlocked something new and fresh. This new is needed to navigate rightly, boldly and confidently in uncharted waters.

For there are people and spaces that are welcoming you that you are unaware of. The package may be different but know that it is Me. Expansion and enlargement requires new fields and new hearts. For you reflect Me more now than ever before, and the need for who you've become in Me is greater.

Don't be quick to reject... inspect, reflect and protect.

Prophet MaShani Allen




44 Truths about me in Rhyme