44 Truths about me in Rhyme


I've written poems for many but I had thought in October, "Have you ever written a poem for yourself? I then had an idea for my birthday to write 44 truths about me in rhyme. So as I celebrate 44 years of life here are my truths:

1. I'm a Berean to my core, always teachable and willing to seek for more.

2. I'm full of treasure not just from me, but jewels who were willing to look and deeply see.

3. I'm a truth speaker but laced with grace, to reveal His truth, character and face.

4. I'm one who has a mighty pen, dipped with fervor and fire from within.

5. I'm one who is full of joy, but life's journey tries its hardest to destroy.

6. I'm now full of wisdom and strength, postured to complete this journeys full length.

7. I'm loving the woman I've become, every day is a reflection of the inner work He's done.

8. I enjoy the distinct sound of my laugh, loud and boisterous but a calming salve.

9. I treasure my personal relationship with God, some say we are like two peas in a pod.

10. I'm learning that transparency has a power, it keeps you nice and sweet instead of bitter and sour.

11. I believe my best parts are hidden inside of me, they spring forth like a very well cared for tree.

12. I love the words that come out of me when I speak, it's a fine wine and matured meat.

13. I have eye's that talk sometimes more than my mouth speaks, when done in love it causes others eye's to water and leak.

14. I'm attracted to spiritual maturity and intellect; those are whom to which I easily connect.

15. I am like strong black coffee as wisdom drips, it's heavy on the palate but a refreshing and satisfying sip.

16. I have a unique stature and a distinctive grace, which has matured as I found my ordained pace and race.

17.I have overcome more than people will ever know, but my obedience to be still and heal is why I have a continual glow.

18. I have an affinity for understanding the purpose and meaning of words, I enjoy being a natural and spiritual nerd.

19. I love that I've remained childlike with wonder still in my eyes, it's a secret place where my creativity abides.

20.I feel comfortable in what others see as a loss, if it would have happened before now it would be too high of a cost.

21. What I hold most precious in this season is the state and condition of my heart, being quick to forgive sincerely is not just a skill, it's an art.

22. My battlefield of the mind has been extensive and great, life truly tried to present a different outcome and fate.

23. I smile when I think of my future and all that is in store, for I patiently prepared in secret for these divine doors.

24. In my soul is a harvest of precious jewels, silver and gold, for in me these virtues continue to mature; they aren’t stale or old.

25. Within my smile I break down heart walls, by showing kindness and awareness to those great and small.

26.When my lips open it’s like a treasure chest revealed, releasing authority and knowledge with an apostolic seal.

27. My pupils pierce into the heart of a matter, and provides counsel which joins together and does not scatter.

28. My feet position me to rule and reign, my faithfulness is rewardable I do not labor in vain.

29. I’m A unique creation, one of a kind, His jewel, His friend, His Master design.

30. I’ve learned to embrace the uniqueness of my gifts, and use them to encourage and help souls lift.

31. I discover daily the vastness of my mind, and the power of keeping my heart pure and genuine.

32. I love that I challenge myself with a mandate to mature, it helps me to stay focus and continue to endure.

33. I’m loving the beauty of my internal reflection, It comes with trust, discipline and willingness to follow His direction.

34. My pen carries much power and might, it has been pruned and tuned and distributes a great light.

35. I have a heart that’s been broken but mended again, I now guard it with diligence and faithfully nurture and tend.

36. I love my faith moves and the unique adventures I’ve taken, the integral part they have played in my life cannot be mistaken.

37. I’ve developed a strength and fortitude I didn’t know I could have, but it came through strong perseverance, persistence and the ability to laugh.

39. My life isn’t the picture or design I thought it would be, but I’m thankful and I fully embrace His original intent for me.

40. I stay on 1,000 happy and joyful the bulk of the time, bringing hope and balance to others while enjoying the rewards of being kind.

41. I’ve divorced religion, judgement and condemnation, I love love and how that brings true habitation.

42. I’m like a radiant sunflower with my heart always facing the sun/Son, forever thankful and grateful for all He’s done.

43. I’m thankful for the freedom and liberty under which my spirit abides, free from the opinions of men, haughtiness and pride.

44. I’m looking forward to 44 and what is in store, I believe it holds my best days, answered prayers and much, much, much more!!!!

#HappyBirthday #44 #NewDoors #NewDreams #NewBeginnings #MaShaniAllen #TheGoldenScribe #PropheticScribe


TRUST Prophetic Release

