
As I listened to a powerful teaching on worship I heard "The Rise". I began to think of how bread is made and if the right ingredients aren't used it will not rise. If you have the right ingredients but the measurements are off it also will not rise.

There is a moment being given for all to lay aside that which is a weight. Some are obvious while others aren't as noticeable because they are issues and matters of the heart. People will begin to hear a distinction like never before. Pride and humility do not sound the same. The difference is the posture and position of the heart.

In this season what will RISE is Humility, which causes one to be teachable, meek, and modest.

Those that will RISE in this hour have gone through great adversity and it was needful and necessary for maturity and to birth humility. Not the humility needed for your now, but for your next. When the influence increases, when the doors open, when the notoriety comes. That humility already needed to be measured in you to handle all that is to come. Some were in this place of being processed to get the pride, anger, jealousy and fear out of you. But you mistook what it really was and opted out of the process. Now is a moment to willingly step back on the potter's wheel to allow the Potter to finish His work.

Those that will RISE will walk in their uniqueness with a meekness that seems almost unreal. People will question your truth and misunderstand your process. But they will not be able to question the pureness of the love that flows from you.  Giftings without love can do more harm than good. Abilities without love can be more deceitful than helpful. Leadership without love can be more damaging than building.

Those that will RISE will walk hand and hand with Love and Humility.

Those that will RISE will not take any glory for gain.

Those that will RISE live in the fear of the Lord.

Those that will RISE reflect the Image and Likeness of God, not just gifts and abilities.

Those that will RISE will be willing to step on platforms and easily walk away when instructed.

Those that will RISE will not build altars to themselves.

Those that will RISE will see themselves as instruments and tools willing and available for the Master's use.

Those that will RISE have been sifted, they have matured in the secret place and they are light enough to flow and be lead by the Holy Spirit. Those that will RISE will have the Father's heart and speak and operate from a place of love. Those that will RISE are rising and raising the standard of Holiness for all to ARISE.






