

Watching an episode of The Crown a reporter wrote an article regarding a speech she made and it was not favorable concerning her. When published her people assumed it would be washed over. To their surprise multiple newspapers ran the article and were in agreement.

The author was then invited on a show to share his thoughts. It was assumed that because he disagreed he hated the queen. He was able to defend himself and make it known he didn't hate her but felt those around her were old in their thinking and therefore causing her not to be represented properly. After this he was invited to the palace. He wasn't going to go because the person he was to meet with wasn't very influential. He was encouraged to go but to bring suggestions.

To his surprise he did actually meet with the queen and was able to give her the recommendations. Of which some were implemented.

There are some who have been bothered by current systems. They see that the message is alive but the system through which it flows has become old.  They are treated as if they hate when actually it's their love that causes them to speak their truth. They are the ones with the answers. They are the ones with the insight.  They are the ones with solutions. And they are about to have an audience with kings and queens to shift systems but save the message.





Plank Season