

I had the notification for an update on my phone. I could ignore, reschedule, or update. While the phone was updating I was limited in communication. At one point it said- Optimizing Apps- It then said Updating profile and the Network is preparing your services. During an anonymous season it allows you to have your gifts, graces and abilities to be optimized. Optimizing comes from rest. Even stuff you don’t use is being wired to it’s full potential. When you don’t update your phone drags. You delat so much when you don’t do it in the time frame given. This makes me think of the 10 virgins with 5 wise and 5 foolish. For those who continue to operate and not take this time of stillness will be like the 5 foolish. They will come out on empty. But for those who will take this moment and unplug to be updated they will be optimized and Full of oil!


The Volcano
