

While driving home from work a few weeks ago there was a car in front of me and a customed purple Tesla in front of it. The Tesla was driving ridiculously slow through the canyon. It wasn't even driving the speed limit. It didn't make sense. I needed to get through the canyon at a normal pace because I knew I had to do ministry on a call that night. People were honking all behind me in frustration at the pace at which we were driving but the Tesla didn't pick up speed. The car in front of me went around the Tesla which left me behind it. Now there are turn-offs in the canyon that allows you to pull over but the Tesla didn't. I had to decide if I would allow this Tesla to set my pace or if I would step out, step up, and set my own. When I chose to go around the Tesla there was just an open road in front of me with no restrictions or hindrances. No other vehicles, just me and the pace I chose.

I saw spiritual implications with this, actually two scenarios.

The first being the tempo of the Tesla. A custom-made/ unique ability and anointing that can clearly be seen but not operating at optimal or minimal capacity. This could represent a person/ ministry that once flowed at one capacity in previous seasons but now they aren't. Though it's clear they have the capacity for more they've slowed their pace considerably and are slowing and hindering the progress, movement, and timeframe of others. It is the choice of those following if they will continue at that pace or if they will choose to set their own.

The second being Tesla itself. Those who are graced with a customized anointing but don't operate in its fullness. It's clear you've been made for more. It's obvious to all but you choose to creep instead of soar. You have people willing to follow you but your pace is frustrating and delaying others. Everything in you has the capacity for more. You weren't built for average, you were made for more. You must not allow fear to be your pace. You must choose to go beyond the norm into optimal, full strength. Even at its lowest capacity, a Tesla operates better and faster than most vehicles. 

Both of these scenarios represent a decision. How would/will you proceed? Would you choose to be delayed? Would you choose to allow someone else to set your spiritual pace? Would you remain in line honking in frustration? What would/will you do? Nany are at this place waiting on God when all you really need to do is decide...ijs


Terms for Loving God!!!

