Terms for Loving God!!!


This morning I was sharing how the sermon on Sunday spoke about the mind of God. Really asking what is on His heart and mind, discovering what His thoughts are. So on Tuesday during my prayer time I asked, 

"God, what is on your heart? What is on your mind?" I then heard the following:

"How many of My children don't allow Me full access to them. Though the Holy Spirit resides within its with self-established limitations instead of free reign. If only they could comprehend what love does and desires to do. How love works and desires to move. If only they could grasp, hold on, and contend for the genuineness of My love. It would change everything!"

After hearing that my prayer has been, "God, reveal to me any areas in my life where I have self-established limitations with You. Help me to remove anything that would hinder or block You from having free reign in my life. 

So I shared this with a young lady today. I also shared how in Bible Study we were challenged to think differently about love. The Prophet mentioned the book The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and how understanding someone's love language really helps a relationship. When you don't it can be a great hindrance. Many times we love people the way we want to be loved when we should actually ask how they want to be loved. She then asked, "Have you ever asked God how He wants you to love Him?" I think that is a powerful question. It makes you wonder, Are we loving God on our terms or His terms? My mind immediately went to David, somehow without a Bible or the Holy Spirit dwelling within him he was able to find a way to love God the way He desired to be loved. We see this when the scriptures declares that David was a man after God's own heart. David learned how to love God on God's terms. I also thought about Enoch who loved God to the point he was taken straight to heaven. This causes me to wonder what did they know that we have yet to comprehend? Somehow they didn't have any self-established limitations when it came to God.

In Bible class, it was expressed that one way to love God is through obedience. I wholeheartedly agree with that. I believe much of that obedience is internal, not external. When you feel the prompting to no longer talk about a subject. When you feel the nudge to repent. When you feel the pull to forgive. When you're instructed to release the offense. These acts of obedience not seen by men produce something that is extremely pleasing to the Father.  I also believe yieldedness and sensitivity are also terms for loving God. There was a level of yielding and sensitivity that David operated in which contributed to his love. When we are sensitive enough to hear, yielded enough to receive, and obedient enough to respond I believe that those are the things that cause you to enter into a vein of loving God in the way that He desires. As we pursue maturity taking an assessment is necessary. Though some things are universal there may be something unique and special that God may want from you. It doesn't hurt to ask...you never know how much it will deepen, strengthen and expand your relationship with Him. 



