

I was having a conversation with a friend this morning and shared with her, “Numbers didn’t matter to Jesus.” Before you stop reading let me ask a question. Did Jesus GO to crowds or did the crowds COME to Him? I’ve been focused on the Gospels for a long time and I see things differently. Jesus went to individuals and people but the crowds and masses would show up. That’s a totally different way of looking at ministry especially since He is our example. Too many are focused on numbers and not hearts. Why do we want the numbers? What does that prove? What does that say? This is not to say that some voices aren’t called to crowds and the masses but the motive is what I’m questioning and want you to consider. Some discount themselves because their “reach” isn’t like others. But if you are privileged to be a blessing to one soul that is something to rejoice over. Jesus met one woman at the well but she then brought Him the whole city, but His focus was on the one. What would ministry be like if that were our intent and goal, to focus on what and who God puts before us?

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Terms for Loving God!!!