State of the Heart Address


Prophet MaShani Allen

As there is a yearly address given by our president providing the administration's view of the state of the nation there is also an address made regarding the state of the Body of Christ. The heart is referenced over 1,000 times in scripture and is something that God pay's close attention to. Many can hide their true thoughts and motives with a laugh or a smile but God sees beyond that. Though we are to guard our hearts, many have allowed the influences of others and the world to impact them knowingly and unknowingly with anger, bitterness, offense, unforgiveness, jealousy, covetousness, pride and much more. We forget that the heart not only beats but it speaks. Matthew 12:34b states for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. So many are looking for a word for the year that will not challenge or require them to change. What I heard for 2019 was, "There is a Mandate to Mature!" One of the key areas where maturity is required is the condition of the heart. We have to look at our hearts as individuals, as families, as communities, as churches, as institutions, as a nation, as countries and as the world. In the bible there are pure hearts, failed hearts, stony hearts, fainted hearts, glad hearts, hardened hearts, wise hearts, willing hearts, wisdom of heart, sorrow of heart, discouraged hearts, obstinate hearts, wicked hearts, gladness of heart, merry hearts and grieved hearts to name a few. We must like never before know the state of our heart, which is the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time. In order to move forward we need to know where we currently stand and the current condition of our heart. Heart matters will delay, deny and derail. As we are in the first month of this 2019 year, get heavens view of the state of your heart. Knowing that whatever the condition, a new one can be created. Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.


Prophetic Poem-Goliath

