

Though we are Day 2 into 2019 I've just been able to do some reflection on 2018. The first thing I wrote was my 1st. Sometimes we can try to summarize a whole year without fully acknowledging first accomplishments. In writing I realized I had more first's than I thought. Here are a few:

*I had my 1st international ministry trip.

*It was the first time I wrote a book in 3 days and published within 3 weeks.

*I had my first keynote speaking event for a girls conference (ages 6-18)

* It was the first time I preached a full deliverance service (spirit of offense)

* I passed a 6 year character test which I failed twice.

These are just a few of my 1st. I encourage you to take the time to record yours. You should be your first cheerleader!!!


State of the Heart Address


Prophetic Poem-Decisions