Prophetic Poem-Goliath


My Goliath had a first name one many would not expect,

He was smooth with his devices using what many could not detect.

My Goliath had an image which reflected only one of two sides,

Some could see confidence when in actuality it was really pride.

My Goliath had an armour which was uniquely covered by a smile,

But the pain released was fierce and would sting for quite a while.

My Goliath had a weapon he yielded with great power and force,

One word from his mouth would change peoples steps and course.

My Goliath met his match once I discovered who I truly was,

He could not respond when I released the word which left him in a fuzz.

My Goliath did not know what my relationship with God could do,

He was no longer fighting me alone in this battle for now it included two.

My Goliath lost the battle though he thought he would win the war,

He had no clue the power that would come from my threshing floor!!!


The Prodigals


State of the Heart Address