The Volcano


I've had a challenging time trying to wrap my mind around the tragedy and trauma experienced this past week. As I tried to process what I've been seeing and what's been experienced, I realized this is not about just days or weeks or a single individual, but this is generations of injustice. The more I pondered something natural made sense. A volcano is an image that helps me understand what we are dealing with in America with the current turmoil.

An active volcano always has lava brewing, but it takes particular events to cause it to thrust and erupt to the surface. Racism and discrimination have been brewing beneath the surface of this nation for over 400 years. We've seen disruptions and eruptions in the past, but this volcano and lava are different.

An eruption can happen from plates being too far apart or coming too close together. I see both of these happening with us. America has gotten farther and farther away from God, and racism has come closer than ever because it's not being hidden anymore. With these sequences combining, we see the lava erupt as an outflow of pain, abuse, hurt, frustration, anger, bitterness, rage, and so much more flowing not just through America, but this pain is seeping into other parts of the world. Some express peacefully while others...not so much...but the lava cannot be ignored.

But I found something exciting in my research. Though volcanoes can be damaging, they create new land, fertile soil, and worldwide attractions. Out of these ashes will come new life! Out of these ashes, we will see change! Out of these ashes, we will see justice! Out of these ashes, we will see God!!!

#MaShaniAllen  #Trauma #Turmoil #Change #Hope

***I do not condone or agree with acts of violence or destruction***



