Ode to 2020


Your number caused you to be unique

It brought anticipation and a desire for a sneak peek.

But we were unaware of the roller coaster we got on

When on December 31 the clock switched from night to morn.

The first few months were like a slow steady pace

Of a roller coaster getting its bearings as it came out the gates.

But around March is when the ride began

With dips and unexpected turns that caused our heads to spin.

Losses experienced on multiple levels

And trauma becoming a new norm and strange bedfellow.

While some ride the high of creativity others are left with no spark

Others seem to have awakened while many have succumbed to the dark.

Emotions are bursting at the brim

And no clarity or explanation challenges trying to tame or simmer them.

Hearing of death has become common like taking a breath

And the images of lives fallen has caused some to have nothing left.

Yet hope still glimmers and joy is still found in some

But will we ever truly grasp the impact of what 2020 has done?

The scales of loss, the scales of pain

The scars and damage and invisible bloodstains.

The lens of injustice, the sound of countless cries

The amount of destruction, the infiltration of despise.

The monument of fear now looming everywhere

The loss of personal touch and weight isolation bares.

With glimmers of laughter and smiles behind mask

2020 was the year that took us all to task.

For some, it brought discovery and opened new doors

For others, it exposed pain they've ignored in their cores.

Relationships have been tested in unimaginable ways

And the carnage from words released is the snapped traps that were laid.

Ode to 2020 in you is so much to unpack

All has been changed never to be the same and that is a FACT


When A Movement Gets Stuck


The Failure of Familiar