The Failure of Familiar




No growth

No challenge

No newness

No change

For many COVID has disrupted familiar and new options, ideas and opportunities have become available that were never considered.

I believe those who have been forgotten, ignored, and disregarded are blooming in their hearts. Though it has been years, they are about to soar in the things of God. Their growth comes out of hard and harsh conditions of life, but it causes a level of brokenness and humility, which brings them into the high place with God. Lifestyles and Choices that seemed impossible for God to infiltrate are the very places where He has chosen to flourish within them. And they will be those whose seeds of revelation, knowledge, and understanding will repopulate the Kingdom and bring forth an unprecedented harvest. Their level of production will be astounding, for it will be laced in love and religion and tradition.

#HisScribe #SEEDS #MashaniAllen #NewBreed


Ode to 2020

