When A Movement Gets Stuck


When I saw the news report about the ship being stuck in the Suez Canal I said, "There's something prophetic about this." As the days passed that thought wouldn't leave. Although it's no longer in the news like it was there is still something prophetic about this event/picture. I shared a few thoughts with friends but the nagging of the prophetic implications would not leave. One night while trying to go to sleep I kept waking up to write down downloads I was hearing about the event. Even now as I'm typing this I thought it was too late to release but I have to share.

When I looked at the stuck ship what I ended up sharing with a friend was, "What happens when a move gets stuck? What happens when what was in motion stops? My first thoughts of the vessel was a picture of different aspects of the church and moves of God. What really happens when things of spiritual magnitude which moved smoothly and gracefully in season's past come to a complete standstill? Could this be a picture of aspects of the church during the pandemic? Are some ministries, churches, movements, and people which once carried a large influence no longer to be in motion? Has their time and season come to an end? What are the impacts of them no longer being in motion?

As outside is now opening up again I believe this is a picture of what has happened to organizations, denominations, ministries, and movements. Many things that were in motion have gotten stuck in tradition, religion, sin, pride, and error. The spiritual impact and cost are inconceivable. The time of COVID has caused some to open their eyes and to abandon those ships and discover a new way of navigating God and life. The fact that this event happened at the brink of things reopening and coming back to a sense of normalcy is significant.

What happens to souls, gifts, talents, and abilities when a movement gets stuck? What is the damage? What is the impact? What is the cost? Lately, it's been said this vessel being stuck has cost in the billions? Now imagine what that looks like spiritually? During 2020 a change took place in many and they don't view things the same way. The vessels they were on no longer line up with their call, purpose, and destiny. They may not fully understand it but they are willing to take a new journey of discovery.

Though in the natural for this vessel it was stuck for hours and days spiritually for some it's been years and decades. Many have followed men and systems but they haven't followed Christ. There is a new clarion call of come and follow Me. It may look and sound different from what some have been taught or understood but it's Him calling His people to Him. The sheep are hearing the True Shepherd in a new way. Though vessels may be stuck you don't have to be stuck. It's a choice.


The Perfect Lap


Ode to 2020