

Location matters when it comes to really being able to enjoy natural seasons. I learned this during the 8 years that I lived in Chicago. The midwest allowed what I saw in books and movies to actually come to life. I remember the beauty of seeing the orange, red and purple leaves during fall. It's a color wheel like no other. The more I thought about the colors I then began to ponder on its process. What is so beautiful to us is actually a picture of something dying.

This made me wonder, Is Fall a picture of humility to God? Do we become one of those beautiful leaves when we surrender and yield to His will? Or are we actually the full tree and the leaves represent us surrendering all? I looked into the leave color process this morning and discovered that leaves become their green color based on a food-making process that takes place in the leaf in numerous cells containing chlorophyll.

For us could this be our time of truly becoming a disciple, receiving the teaching and the training? When we are studying to become like Christ? I say this because it's the energy of the sun that the chlorophyll absorbs to feed the leaves. For us, it is the Word that we absorb to nourish our souls. But then as time and temperature changes, it impacts that process and causes the leaves to change colors. For us is this when we have to become the Word that we have been absorbing? When do we have to die to ourselves? When we have to fall out of agreement with that which displeases God? When we have to fall out of agreement with our own will? When do we have to truly humble ourselves?

Many times this comes to "light" when the temperature changes in our lives. When we are hard-pressed. When we are tested. When our situation doesn't look like our confession. When our life doesn't look like our prophecies. When are you mandated to mature? What if the leaves represent our "accomplishments, achievements, ideas, dreams and so much more?" If so, that could explain why many of us want to avoid this spiritual Fall. We aren't able to tell or see how some of these leaves falling will impact us in the following seasons. So we want to stay relishing in what is now. We are afraid of what or who will "Fall" away...but that lack of release could be causing our stagnation.

Just as Fall is important and necessary in the natural so it is for us spiritually. May we purposefully Fall into proper alignment with Him and allow our tree's leaves to reflect the beauty of our humility in every area of our lives.

Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?


Healing Truth

