

I've been thinking a lot about Saul/Paul lately. This morning I got stuck on how we pay more attention to who he became but we forget who he was. Sadly, some heed Paul's writings more than what Jesus said but that's a post for another day. This man was in between murders when he was knocked off his horse. He was literally headed to slaughter another group of believers when God intervened and he was converted.

All of us have had an in-between some were public while many were private. In-Between is defined as somewhere between two extremes or recognized categories. Though Saul did have his privately it was hard for others to accept and believe because of what he was known for publically. Few were willing to embrace him. I believe many in the public eye are at or coming to the place of In-Between. And sadly like Paul few will be able to embrace them but that doesn't negate or stop the work which God has done and will continue to do.

Remember the one they rejected, shunned and questioned ended up writing the bulk of the New Testament. @MaShani Allen

#InBetween #ISeeDifferently #NewBreed #InsideOut #MaShaniAllen




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