I keep seeing post about walking into the greatest year of our lives. Do we consider what greatest can really mean? Jesus greatest year was his most challenging, most rejecting, most hurtful, betraying and costly year of His life. Which aspect of greatest are we using? The world's or the Kingdoms? This is not to say Greatest will always be negative and painful but it should also be considered. Some will be angry based on what they will experience but this doesn't stop it from being your greatest year. Perspective is everything and many times we need to see the fullness of a word not just the feel good portions. Greatest should be based on an internal work and not external things.

Many decree and declare but don't obey. Jesus didn't declare it would be His greatest year He just lived a life of continual obedience. In doing so every year was a great year and His last year was the Greatest! Lastly, the prophet that Jesus proclaimed as the greatest lived on the outskirts wearing strange clothing with an unusual appetite. He was rejected but sought after. He was despised but needed. He was disregard by men but John the Baptist was regarded by God and heaven. Keep this in mind when considering Greatest. It may not look like what you think but that doesn't mean it's not the greatest.

Prophet MaShani Allen

#Greatest #TheGoldenScribe #InsideOut #Truth #TightButRight #Iseethingsdifferently #Point2Ponder #MaShaniAllen



