
I was asked by my Apostle to write a poem of the last words for 2021 and to speak into 2022. May this be a blessing to those who find themselves in this word.

It came through like a storm and changed the status quo and every norm.

It shifted much of what we’d come to know, and put on quite a circus show.

It erupted many of our plans, and placed on many of you new demands.

But even with all the worry and fear, I wasn't far away but very, very near.

Many came to know Me in a brand new way, despite what lies the naysayers say.

Many have experienced My might, with newness of vision and clarity of sight.

Many dreams began to expand, as you got a better survey your promised land.

What once was forgotten was renewed, as My heart was fervently pursued.

Uncomfortable decisions many had to make, but it was for their destiny’s sake.

A great deposit was made, as many jumped into the deep instead of wading.

And now the new and unknown is upon, and the continual inner work will be done.

For much will blossom and much will bloom, though many are declaring doom.

For I will establish many of your plans, as you continue to be guided by My hands.

For your understanding and wisdom has increased, and I'll continue to pour and release.

For many will begin to watch and see, the beautiful work I've done within thee.

For I've fortified and strengthened your foundations, with purity and hope for the nations.

For you are those who will forever speak truth, with Godly authority and heavenly proof.

For many are waiting for the pureness of your pour, and be drawn to the boldness of your roar.

For this season is not like most, and you'll find in Me a greater testimony and boast.

For many of you mirror and reflect, the greatness of My character, grace, love and intellect.

For as you stay focused and aligned, you will experience great joy and peace of mind.

Get ready for delight, as you experience My might, and the fullness of your birthright.

Get ready to explore, new aspects of My hearts core, as you understand Me more and more.

Get ready to advance, as skills and graces enhance, while overcoming your circumstance.

Get ready for Me, to fulfill My declaration and decree, as you embrace your full identity.

Embrace what I say and watch what I do, for My promises remain and My word is true.

Copyright 12.29.21

Prophet MaShani Allen

#HappyNewYear #2022 #TheGoldenScribe #MaShaniAllen #Poem #Poetry #ScribalProphet


