Fingers on FIRE


Many are discouraged for having started projects which they have not completed and a new year is looming upon us. I’m here to encourage you, especially the scribes, writers, and creatives.

While in prayer this morning I heard. Fingers on FIRE.

In Ps 144:1 Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

Know that as you make time and space for your project your fingers will become that of fire. You will release more with your pen and keyboard in these last few days of 2017 than some have done all year. You will get the downloads you have been praying for that will set you up for multiple project releases in 2018. Many writers will not complete one book but multiple books.

Fingers on FIRE will happen to those who choose to pull away and hear what I have to say. Fingers of FIRE will come to those who hold Me dear and have an ear to hear. Fingers of FIRE will come to those who posture their heart to receive Heavenly art. Fingers of FIRE will come to those who yield and desire to fulfill My will. Those with Fingers of FIRE will release projects that will truly set captives free, they will release fresh revelation, they will combat error and there will be a distinction in their writings and art. Many will be shocked themselves of the flow that comes but there is an urgency for these releases.

Posture and position yourselves to be a vessel through which He can use and prepare for Fingers on FIRE!!!

#FingersonFire #ScribesArise #Authors #Creatives #Books #Art #Writers #PropheticScribes


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