The Prophetic Dream


I literally was just awakened from a dream. In the dream, there was a huge train. I heard the conductor yell, All Aboard. I saw people running to try and get on the train. The conductor had a list of names. One person tried to come on but their name wasn't on the list and they weren't granted access.Another came to get on their name was on the list at one point but now marked off because offense was in their heart.

I then heard, "Do Not allow everyone access to your destiny train. Do Not allow everyone access to what you've cried, prayed, fasted and waited for. Allow the Holy Spirit to be the conductor and let you know who to let on for He knows the intents of hearts."

I sensed that once this train started there was no stopping. Be sensitive to that which the spirit is revealing and disclosing. Everyone isn't to be a close participant, some are to witness this from afar.

#DestinyisCalling #AllAboard #Wisdom


I Extend


Fingers on FIRE