A Season of ShockWaves


Prophet MaShani Allen

While in prayer I heard the word Shockwave. A shock wave carries energy, it is characterized by an abrupt, nearly discontinuous change in pressure, temperature and density. Also a widespread feeling of shock caused by an unexpected event. Shock is a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience and a violent shaking movement caused by an impact, explosion, or tremor.

Know that you have entered into a season of shockwaves. The beginnings have already started but it will increase in a greater measure. These shockwaves will come through people and places. For many who have felt the pressure of heaven and have not been able to understand why, this is the why. I’ve been forming and fashioning your life and testimony to be a shockwave. To cause people to be in awe of the God you say you serve. To be in awe of the work that I have done in you and through you. In the bible, there are those who aren’t just people, they were shockwaves. Daniel was a shockwave. Esther was a shock wave. The apostles were shockwaves. Their shocks were not limited to the church, the affected, people, cultures, and systems. The lives they lived were not ordinary. The decisions they made changed laws, brought change and established reverence. This will be reflected in the lives of the righteous, the pure in heart and those in right standing with Me. I’ve been building up your strength and fortifying you to be the shockwave I’ve called you to be. Some will be shockwaves of My love and mercy. Some will be shockwaves of My goodness and grace. Some will be shockwaves of My justice and judgment. Some will be shockwaves of My wisdom and counsel. It will be uncommon but it will be massive.

Places will also be shockwaves. Houses that are hubs of My presence. Those who truly chase after Me. I’ve spoken many words regarding these houses and the time of fulfillment of those words have come. These houses will release shockwaves of healing and deliverance. These places will release shockwaves of worship and truly see heaven released on earth. These shockwaves will be seen in the media and will be used to cause hearts to turn back to Me. These shockwaves will be the catalyst of revival. The people and places that I use will give the glory to Me. They will not take it for themselves. The greatest shockwave that will be seen is My fear being at the forefront of hearts and minds.

These shockwaves will bring impact and a shifting needed for new order, alignment and positioning. These shockwaves will cause disruption and a discontinuing of what does not please Me. There will be an increase in the call to holiness and purity. These shockwaves will bring pressure to that which is hidden to be revealed. The shockwaves will bring exposure but also a cleansing of the temples of men’s hearts and My houses.

Get ready for the Shockwaves!!!


Fingers on FIRE


Prophetic Release