

I heard and saw the word Finale and I had to dig into it. I felt there was something to be expressed regarding it. I first looked up the definition which is the last and often climactic event or item in a sequence. This is most associated with the ending of a shows season. I sense this is what many have been experiencing. There are many personal season finales taking place. Some relationships, emotions, situations have reached the final episode. This doesn't mean something was bad or wrong for it to be over. But this season has also drawn an audience as your character has been on display. But it has not brought you to an end which you expect.

When I looked at the word finale it looks like it can be pronounced FINALLY!!! Your Finale has brought you to your FINALLY. A FINALLY is something happening after a prolonged time : at the end of period of time. You could not get to your FINALLY without having a Finale. Take your bow and your curtsy because NOW has FINALLY come!!!

Ps 105:19 Then the time he had spoken of came, and the Lord’s words proved that Joseph was right.

#HelloJune #HelloJoseph #FINALLY


Don’t Tie My Hands

