Don’t Tie My Hands


I've been transcribing some of my old journals and I saw in July 2007 one of the first prophetic words I released publicly was, "Don't Tie My Hands!" After typing this I began to ponder, though I said it years ago, it's still applicable today. As I meditated more on the statement I began to ask how are we tying your hands God? I heard, Don't tie my hands with Comparisons! Don't tie My hands with Control! Don't tie My hands with Doubt! Don't tie My hands with Fear! Don't tie my hands with Time! Don't tie my hands with Unforgiveness!

When hands are tied it brings a limitation. The desire is there but the restraint restrains one from working. For some of us the tie which is binding is comparison, looking at what is happening in others lives as opposed to our own. For some the tie of control can be trying to make things happen instead of trusting God. For some doubt has clouded the purpose and promise to bring unbelief instead of hope. Fear is truly a strong tie which is used for many. Getting impatient in the wait and constantly looking at clocks and calendars can bring a tie. Lastly, unforgiveness, that one speaks for itself.

While taking a walk I thought more about not just the ties but how they come about and I heard "Tongue Tied." Normally this is used when you mix up words. But I sensed that most of us have used out Tongues to Tie the hands of God. Some want to blame the devil for things when it's actually the rudder in our mouth which is directing the ship of our life. The Bible says life and death is in the power of the tongue. Many of us know it but we lose foresight of the power and the impact of that which we speak. We bless in one sentence but then doubt in the next. We've not trained our tongues, instead we've tied them wrongly by that which we speak. Though this may be the case there is a solution. A tie isn't bad if fastened properly. Repent for the words spoken which negate and nullify the will and promise of God. Say what He's saying and what He's said. Be slow to speak, watch your words and see your tongue as the creative force which it is. Changing your speech will change your course. God is ready, willing and able.


Changing the Narrative

