

I can’t limit my life based on perception. I must live my life based on destiny. Do you want to live a life others planned for the purpose He’s ordained?

I watched a reality show that I'd never heard about. I didn't know the context of the show or its cast. But as I watched I saw a reflection. Not an external one but and internal one. In one of the cast, I saw seeds that I once had that did not reflect Christ. I saw attributes of myself which were once in seed form and budding in full display in someone else.

I saw who and how I could have been if not for the grace of God. I found myself later praying and thanking God for delivering me from me. For wooing me and drawing me and not allowing me to become the design of the enemy. I found a new level of thankfulness but also a compassion.

After my gratitude prayer I then began to pray for the person who reflected the old me. I began to ask for them to have an encounter with God and feel the love of the Father. In the midst of praying for them I repented for when I judged unrighteously. I find that though some see it as entertainment all I could see was brokenness.

I did not expect a reality show to bring such a reality to me, but it did. We should always be sensitive and know that it's not I but Christ. It's not our goodness but His. In this season I see differently. May a new lens of compassion come upon us all. May we never forget who we were, and who we could have been. Let's be forever thankful for who we are and who we are becoming. @MaShani Allen

#InsideOut #GrowingandMaturing #Reflection



