

Gen 40

Is it evident that the Lord is with you? For joseph potopher knew and the jailer knew that God was with him and that whatever he did the Lord made it prosper. Although he ended up in prison it was the kings and not the commanders. Still perfectly positioned. Pr 1:19 greed takes away the life of its owners. Pr 1:23 wisdom rebukes. Pr 1:29 fear of the Lord is a choice! Pr 2:1 gaining wisdom is a posture. Pr 2:3 wisdom is to be searched and seek for. Pr 2:7 wisdom is stored up for the righteous. Pr 2:10 wisdom isn’t automatic; it has to gain entry. Pr 2:11 results of the entrance of wisdom. Pr 2:12 Purpose of the entrance of wisdom.

Platforms reveal more than your words. Be careful and use wisdom



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