Reflect Christ


Titles don't give you a pass for bad character, it Demands greater character!


Some desire to look and sound like others, I desire to look and sound like Christ!


If all titles were removed and character was seen, perspective is different. Stop giving passes, inspect fruit!


Just woke up from a dream which had leaders that I've recently come to know and honor. In the dream they made public statements about me through social media that was not true or right.  When I went to speak I had great peace. When I approached the husband he disappeared. When I looked at the wife all I could say was, WOW! She could barely look at me instead she looked away from me and disappeared also.  I then made a statement in the dream, "If I didn't love God I would hate the church." I believe this is how many feel because of injustices done by leaders and those in authority. Are we a hindrance to people loving Him and knowing Him by what we portray and how we treat people? This feels like a WOE

#HelpUs #HeartChecks #HeartRevival #WhereIsTheFear #ReleaseTrueRepentance


Monumental May

