Prophetic Release

Prophetic Release


Many have already began to speak on how the month of April has brought you to a peak.

For many have been faithful through the difficult storms which were beyond the norm.

Many have kept silent while under attack, destruction and experiencing loss and lack.

Many have stood strong and kept believing, trusting and reading My word while not retreating.

Many have continued to confess even while under extreme warfare and severe distress.

Many have chosen to truly overcome by watching the words released from their tongue.

I have watched and taken account, now prepare to soar and prepare to mount.

For you will begin to see the rewards of your obedience for avoiding discord.

You will begin to see the fruit on your tree bring great joy, peace and harmony.

You will begin to see the work of My hand and it will be great and grand.

For I come to show Myself strong and I release over you a fresh new song.

For this is a time of victory and dreams come true and I do what I said I would do.

I release to you My favor, which will enhance your ability to be bolder and braver.

I release to you My gifts which will bring increase, abundance and cause great shifts.

I open up to you new doors and cause you to break glass ceilings and obtain what’s yours.

I fulfill the promises of your heart which you held steadfast to and did not waiver or depart.

I manifest the dreams which you hold dear, you stayed strong and did not give in to fear.

It is a time of rejoicing a time of victory for there is much I will unveil for you to see.

I will cause you to shine like never before and you will pave the way for you’ve learned to endure.

And many will watch as you radiate like gold with My glory and power you’re a newly fashioned mold.

Distinct and unique and needful for this time, Come forth My children and Shine! Shine! Shine!





Prophetic Release