Changing the Narrative


I was having a conversation with a friend and I made a statement about many are Taking the Narrative back. After saying that, I had to look up the meaning of Narrative:a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values. So many have had the narrative of their life, marriage, career, ministry and dreams narrated, dictated and directed by others. This has brought restriction, restraint, limitation and frustration. It's caused questions that others can't answer. Problems others can't solve and feelings that won't go away. All of this is on purpose to push you to the place to be brave enough and bold enough to Take Back the Narrative. When I say take back it's not for you to flaunt or boast, but to now lay it at the feet of Jesus and find out His narrative.

So many have put more trust in man than God and many of man's plans are limiting and lack the full picture of who you are and what you've been mandated to do in the earth. There has also been a fear and a guilt for those who even consider to do something so brazen. Don't allow that to hinder you from moving forward in Taking back the Narrative. It's time for you to live what was written by Him concerning you before the foundations of the world. It's time for you to not live the lies, but to live the promise. This will cause you to be misunderstood and sadly some will be isolated. But when you consider living His story as opposed to their story I say it's worth it.

Many limit your story based on their story and their limitations and fears. Don't allow the box someone chose to live and walk in to become a prison for you. The world is too big and God is too grand. There is so much more to life when you get His narrative. But to get it you have to take it out the hands of others, even remove it from your hands and surrender to Him in a fresh and new way.


Night Perspective


Don’t Tie My Hands