Transparent Moment


Daily I pray, Lord, create in me a clean heart, but today some uncleanness was revealed.  That's the beauty, it exposes and reveals but we have to respond. Today I was shown that I had a judgment against someone.  My response, attitude and actions revealed it.  The Holy Spirit  revealed I judged the person, with information I was aware of I wanted to see particular outcomes.  I had to repent for using my own gavel based on my thoughts and opinions. I had to repent for any ungodly judgements I'd made regarding them even unaware.  I want to be a pure prophet that can hear the hard things but not judge based on me. We are to judge righteously. John 7:24 Judge not based the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Court is in session every day but what about our personal court, the one in our mind and heart? How many judgements are we passing based on our thoughts and opinions and not God's or His word? Even when there is wrong doing and error we are to still remain pure in heart. While Stephen was being stoned he prayed, lay not this sin to their charge. How did he get a heart like that? I stand corrected today and I'm thankful for it.  Purity is a priority.

#PureHearts #CleanHearts #Humility #Honesty #Repent #Transparency


Burden still remains


Never allow one example to be your only example~#MaShaniAllen