Your Vehicle


It rained all night in Southern California, though the song says, “It never rains in Southern California”.  But even this morning the rain was still coming down which I knew would make the morning commute interesting. I put my work address in Waves and I saw it was taking me in another direction. I knew that direction would be through the canyons. When I saw the navigation I said out of my mouth, “I can’t do that!” and I heard so softly afterward, “Your vehicle is built for this.” Though I heard those words I still proceeded to the expressway, ignoring the navigation being provided. When trying to get on the expressway it was backed up and a cop was now blocking entry. So I had to trust Waves and follow those directions. As I progressed with the new direction I began to think of all the features in my SUV that I never use. And how some of the feature won’t be able to be used unless I was driving in certain conditions.


We have to stop fearing what we have been built for. We then need to begin to utilize the features provided as well. Spiritually many of us are loaded with gifts, graces and abilities just like our vehicle features that we don’t use though we have them. Some will not be unlocked until we change our spiritual terrain.  The safe and common way would have stop and go, packed, frustrating and brought delay. As I was driving the canyon it took me to a higher elevation and the ride was smoother because there were less people taking this path. I had to overcome the fear while still taking caution. The new path allowed me not to waste gas and spiritually this can be seen as wasting oil.

Your vehicle gives you the capacity you just have to follow the instructions and the navigation. While looking in my vehicle I realized there were features that I’ve never used and I had to admit one I didn’t even know what it was or how to use it. But as I thought more it would only be used when the right situation presented itself and then it would be a learning experience. In this journey of life some things will never be learned in what is familiar, comfortable and common. New terrain brings new opportunity and exposes capacities in you that you didn’t know existed. I actually made it to work earlier than expected because I didn’t allow fear to be in control. Let’s navigate life with a confidence that we are equipped for what He has proposed for us to do and the terrain is part of the unlocking.


We have to stop fearing what we’ve been built for.

How are you afraid of what you’ve been built for?


Encouraging the Pen and the Writer Within


God Made