Encouraging the Pen and the Writer Within


On yesterday I replied to a question in a writer's group and I shared how my first book took 7 years and my second book was written in 3 days and published within 3 weeks. Lisa Crayton who has been a great support inboxed me and encouraged me to share more since those are drastic time frames. What many are not aware of was that I was actually completing another book when the Lord downloaded Tear Talk in a 72-hour window.

I shared all of that to say, though we may have our calendars and timelines we want to make sure we are on His window and calendar. As writers, we have to be flexible in many ways. I could have pushed for the other book which is completed to come out first since that was the one I was focused on but Tear Talk was on God's calendar so I went in that direction.

I've actually started 9 books, I put all the downloads down and if I don't hear anything else or feel a prompting I just know that is something that God will have me pick up later. As I prepare to be a book coach I'm finding many want to complete the book but not go through the process of becoming the book. This is why the process is longer for some projects than others. You are not just writing, you are releasing. Don't be so focused on the end that you miss the process. Many times God is pruning, perfecting, healing and directing.

Don't allow timelines to bring discouragement and cause you to abandon the project. Different seasons produce different seeds. Sometimes God is trying to bring people to you during the project to assist with the range and the exposure He wants to bring. Sometimes He's preparing the audience for your message. There are many factors that can be in play. There are also things that you should have in place before completing a book that many are not aware of. For some, He's protecting and shielding you because of the content. He's making sure the atmosphere is conducive.

Don't listen to the lies of the enemy and stop beating yourself up. Continue to allow God to perfect you and release in His timing. Flexibility and patience are key as a writer.


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