The Beauty of a Promise


Encouragement and Beautiful Poem

As a student of the Bible it’s amazing to me how I can read a chapter in a few minutes and not really consider the years that happen from one chapter to the next.

To see a promise given by God takes years before it is answered. The time frame of manifestation does not disregard the fact that there was still a promise given. Unfortunately the time in between is where the real battle exists.

Do you still believe although its been 5, 10, 20 years since the promise was given? It takes so much effort to still believe while the clock ticks and the years come and go. A decision must be made in spite of everything else to still believe. I heard a minister say, “Does it really matter how long it takes if you get it?”

Let patience be the order of the day and dust off your promise. When God makes you a promise it’s a done deal. Don’t allow life, people or circumstances to cause you to let go.

Hold on to your promise, remind yourself of your promise, remind the enemy of your promise. God is faithful and just, we must be patient and trust. Let the words below bless you as you pick up every promise.

The Promise

It runs through your DNA and flows through your veins, My plan for your life to rule and to reign, The Promise 

It comes with much battle, it comes with much fight, it is not for the faint at heart, or those quick to take flight, The Promise.

It was a mystery that only I knew and now I’ve revealed, it silences doubt and causes fear to be still, The Promise.

A plan only the ultimate architect could design, transcending cultures, gender and time, The Promise.

A gift I gave you when I released you into the earth, it confirms your potential, your value and your worth, The Promise.

I’ve shown it to you in visions, I’ve shown it to you in dreams, it causes you to smile and your eyes to dance and beam, The Promise.

It is not empty but overflowing to the full, it is not limited by external factors or man made rules, The Promise.

I fulfill it to the righteous those in right standing with Me, and I do it in the open for all the world to see, The Promise.

I place My honor upon them, I show them as My prize, I endow them with wisdom, upon them I rise, The Promise.

It comes with great anticipation, it comes with great delight, it brings open shame to the enemy and puts demons to flight, The Promise.

 For the promise fulfilled cannot be denied, it's full of my majesty and glory which cannot hide, The Promise.

It beams in their confidence, it shines through their grin, the promise fulfilled causes others to turn from sin, The Promise.

For the carriers of the promise understand the weight of the call, they have humbled themselves completely, they have surrendered all, The Promise.

I am the God of reward and My promise is with me, blessings of abundance in the natural and a crown of glory in eternity.

The Promise.

#MashaniAllen #TheGoldenScribe





~The Songird Sings~


Prophecy- I Will March