Prophecy- I Will March


I will march into purpose, I will march into destiny, I will march into the place where God has desired for me.

I will march into my inheritance, I will possess the land, I will excel by God's strong arm and His mighty hand.

I will March as the Lord leads me ahead, I will see breakthroughs, I will experience favor and the supernatural.

As I march the heavens are dropping on me, full of abundance,full of grace I'm overflowing with blessings, miracles are taking place.

Every pharaoh marching behind me will be destroyed, for his time is up God's judgements have been deployed.

The angels of the Lord are marching on my behalf, they are clearing the way and are making straight the path.

As I march salvation and deliverance come by the Lord, for His Word is quicker and sharper than any two edged sword.

I am marching with my orders from heaven, I will do what the Lord has commanded me to do, for my March is not only for me but also for you!


The Beauty of a Promise


Poem I Delight: