

While at a picnic over the weekend I witnessed and heard something which stuck with me. There were two 13 year old girls who were talking throughout the day. At one point one of the girls was on her cellphone minding her business. She's pretty quiet and mild mannered. While she was on her phone the other girl made a statement about her. Upon hearing the statement she looked up and said forcefully, "You don't have that privilege". Her response took all the adults by surprise. The more I pondered I admired her for taking a stand for what was being said about her. It made me wonder how much we just let go by. Even in our calmness and quiet states we need to be very aware, which she was.

The word privilege means a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. What she was actually doing was establishing a boundary and letting it be known it was crossed. Different systems have made many voiceless in wanting to establish what is best for them. Some have overstepped boundaries and  self imposed an immunity into our lives.  Some people feel that they are entitled and have the right to speak and say anything without recourse. This shouldn't be the case. Sadly some of what we hear isn't based on current words but even words from the past. This shows that this privilege isn't just an external factor but an internal factor. There comes a time when it can no longer be ignored but must be addressed.

For negative thoughts- You don't have that privilege.

For limiting ideas- You don't have that privilege.

For past mistakes trying to be current roadblocks- You don't have that privilege.

For words spoken to break your spirit- You don't have that privilege.

For ideas that would get you out of purpose- You don't have that privilege.

For pain trying to control your future- You don't have that privilege.

While many of us may have instituted this for the negative, how many of us have done this for the positive? When it comes to living a life that is submitted to God. We have to sometimes make a new statement:

In changing the path of my destiny- God you have that privilege.

In requiring more of me in this season- God you have that privilege.

In stretching my capacities for greatness- God you have that privilege.

In prompting a new walk or leap of faith - God you have that privilege.

In telling me to let go and start new- God you have that privilege.

In asking me to believe and dream again- God you have that privilege.

In doing so you give the Holy Spirit the special right to adjust, correct, protect and direct. As you take away some privileges make sure you provide privileges as well.



