

While heading home yesterday I heard, "The enemy didn't just deceive Eve, he caused her to change her perspective. In changing her perspective she also changed her speech." WOW!!! was my response. As I drove home more downloads came and they even continued this morning. So here's some of what I received. In one conversation Eve went from trust to doubt. Like Eve we can have those who've seen our vulnerableness and still desired to walk with us and speak life to us. But in the midst of that we can hear something that changes everything. Those words were so subtle she didn't notice the shift. How many people are being used to whisper words to bring doubt where there was once trust. From pulpits to Facebook post, from conversations to "prayer calls". Much is being dispersed and many are releasing seeds of deceit.

People you once trusted now you're side eyeing. From family members to church members many perspectives are shifting and they don't even know why.  Be careful of those who can speak one word and cause your whole perspective of another person, place or thing to totally shift and change. Words are not just letters, they are seeds. In the Bible I find that I tend to pay close attention to the words in red and I believe that is on purpose. One scripture says Woe to them through whom offenses come another says how we will have to give account to every idle word spoken. I believe if scriptures like these stay at the forefront of our minds it will be harder for our perspective to be so easily swayed. This is a strategy of eternity, it worked in the beginning and will continue to work till the end.

This is being done to get you out of place and position. To distance you from purpose. I call them 'subtle shifting seeds'. Don't just hear words... JUDGE them!!! Is this pure? Is this from rejection? Is this from pride? Is this from pain? Is this sincere? Unbeknownst to Eve satan's conversation came from a place of jealousy because Eve was made in the image of God. He could see what she couldn't. He knew something about her that she hadn't yet discovered. Many times these seeds come from known or unknown jealousy but that is not the only source of these seeds. We have to ask ourselves, 'What is the HEART of the voice that is speaking?' Sadly, titles and hearts don't always match.  We assume certain titles wouldn't sow those types of seeds ( Mother, Father, Apostle, Pastor, Sister, Prophet, BFF...)

Eve had the same assumption that nothing God created would deceive her.  When the name of someone you once respected when now mentioned causes you to cringe of feel a certain type of way a subtle shifting seed has been planted either from the outside or the inside. If your words concerning them have shifted from positive to negative.... please investigate. Your own insecurities and jealousy can plant and nourish those seeds as well. Technically a pure heart would reject these types of seeds so the question isn't just the seed that is sown but also the soil of your heart. Why was that seed so easily received as opposed to being vehemently rejected? Some are uncomfortable in the season because bad seeds and bad soil are being confronted. This requires work and diligence but it's worth it.  We want to operate with pure Godly perspectives. Like never before covet your peace and please govern, guard and cherish your heart.

#InsideOut #MaShaniAllen #Investigate #Seeds #Heartcheck #Mandate2Mature




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