Poem-Have You Seen My Passion?


A fire so bright it almost blinded everyone who watched, now it's dwindled down to a flicker, barely a spark.

Have You Seen My Passion?

A testimony so vibrant I couldn't keep it to myself but now it's somewhere in a dark corner or hidden on a shelf.

Have You Seen My Passion?

A student I would read and study for hours, now social media and the news is what I devour.

Have You Seen My Passion?

A zeal that set many others a blaze has now become a memory with a haze.

Have You Seen My Passion?

A growth spurt that left others astounded, but now lost leaving many confounded.

Have You Seen My Passion?

A desire once stuck in the lost is now found. Ready to be activated to new realms I will abound

Reclaiming My Passion!!!

#Passion #HisScribe #HeSpeaksIWrite #PropheticScribe #ReclaimingMYpassion #PoetryMonth


The Process

