Monumental May

Monumental May



Prophetic Poem


Be very careful what you say, for many are entering into a "Monumental May"

Be very careful what you speak,  and don't allow your words to limit My reach.

Be very careful how you dream,  for things may look one way but it's not what it seems.

Be very careful what you desire, for there is much I will cause you to acquire.

Be very careful where you go,  don't get caught in systems and people that will limit your flow.

Be very careful what you embrace, for the enemy will try to deceive and hinder your pace.

Be very careful how you think,  enlarge your tents and boats so they don't sink.

Be very careful in how you align, avoid those which backbite and your character they malign.

Be very careful in what you accept, for many can't embrace your width and your depth.

Be very careful what you read,  for words are more than letters they are seeds.

Be very careful what you remember, for pain would like to steal your fire and remove your embers.

Be very careful on what you focus, wrong perspectives will eat away dreams like locusts.

Be very careful what you create, for what was good will become great.

Heed to these instructions and watch what unwinds, an unbelievable season, a glorious and Monumental TIME!!!




~The Songird Sings~