

This morning I was having a conversation with a friend, and I mentioned the word discarded. After talking, that word really stuck out to me. I begin to sense that many are dealing with feeling discarded. The definition of discard is to get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable. Feeling discarded can happen with a job, relationship, and even dreams. You can feel discarded emotionally, physically, and spiritually. In this time of COVID 19, which has brought unrest, fear, and different forms of isolation, the feeling of being discarded can be at an all-time high. David paints a descriptive picture of discarded in Psalm 31:9-12 (TPT)

O Lord, help me again! Keep showing me such mercy.

For I am in anguish, always in tears,

and I’m worn out with weeping.

I’m becoming old because of grief; my health is broken.

10 I’m exhausted! My life is spent with sorrow,

my years with sighing and sadness.

Because of all these troubles, I have no more strength.

My inner being[d] is so weak and frail.

11 My enemies say, “You are nothing!”

Even my friends and neighbors hold me in contempt!

They dread seeing me

and they look the other way when I pass by.

12 I am totally forgotten, buried away like a dead man,

discarded like a broken dish thrown in the trash.

Though this was his initial feelings he did get to the place where his focused changed from him and others to God. We see in verses 19-23 a complete shift in tone, words and posture.

Lord, how wonderful you are!

You have stored up so many good things for us,

like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings—

all for those who honor and worship you!

Everybody knows what you can do

for those who turn and hide themselves in you.

20 So hide all your beloved ones

in the sheltered, secret place before your face.

Overshadow them by your glory-presence.

Keep them from these accusations, the brutal insults of evil men.

Tuck them safely away in the tabernacle where you dwell.

21 The name of the Lord is blessed and lifted high!

For his marvelous miracle of mercy protected me

when I was overwhelmed by my enemies.

22 I spoke hastily when I said, “The Lord has deserted me.”

For in truth, you did hear my prayer and came to rescue me.

23 Listen to me, all you godly ones: Love the Lord with passion!

The Lord protects and preserves all those who are loyal to him.

Though you may have experienced feeling discarded, please know that you have never been discarded by God. Let Him be your focus. Love Him with all of your being. Lay and cast all your cares at His feet. Allow Him to heal you of the pains and the wounds and get a fresh perspective on life and your future.




Heal My Blackness