DECEMBER-Downloads,Dealings & Decisions
A few years ago I was given a word that December is the month of Downloads, Dealings & Decisions. Well on Thanksgiving I had a conversation with one of my brothers that was a Godly rebuke in love, an alignment, insight for my assignment and an activation for this new season.
Based on the conversation I knew I had my assignment for December. This will require a biblical word study that will be very instrumental for the days ahead. Since then I know of 3 others who've been given studies to do for December.
Some may be waiting to instill your new discipline for January but there is no need to wait. Allow the dealings of the Lord to be activated now. There are somethings that don't need to go into 2025. Make room and make time to hear and respond.
My alarm is set for 9pm nightly to spend time with God. This was a discipline I had years ago that I'm reinstating. I'm not missing this moment!