
Be very careful how you hear and through who you listen to.

For voices with longevity are not a litmus test for purity.

For the eyes of many are waxed unaware. Personal opinion and agenda has coated the lense from the way they view and speak of and for Me.

There has been a slow coldness that has caked hearts. Hardness has entered where many assume they are still pliable.

The assumption of history will be a hook to lead many astray. But many of the very elect need a new and a fresh surrender.

Former fires have become hardened coals. Do not be deceived.

Accuracy and influence have never been My litmus test. Heart has always been the compass.

In quiet stillness and time with Me you will see what you don't want to and hear what you need to in order to stay fully and purely aligned.

There is a caution for there is a coming of Woe.



Pr. MaShani Allen


A Unique Spin on Wicked


Purposed Position