
In checking my emails I had one regarding a vehicle that I no longer have as of November 2024. So, I scrolled all the way to the bottom of the communication and unsubscribed from further communications because what they have is no longer applicable to me. I also had a text exchange with a sister of mine that included a YouTube link to watch a video. I lovingly expressed to her that I was unable to watch the video because I left all of that in 2024.

Even when we've detached and distanced ourselves from people, places, and circumstances for our well-being, they aren't always aware of our shift. So they may communicate and reach out, but that is not a time to get angry or ignore. We can let them know we're no longer subscribed to or supporting that person, place, or train of thought of thinking. We can also establish a loving boundary expressing what we no longer want to communicate about or engage in.

Maturity comes as a result of truth, not avoidance. I was able to establish boundaries in both situations without conflict. This is a must for many of us going forward. If done properly and from a pure place many times, it will be well received. Establishing your boundaries is important and necessary for the times we are living in. It helps to maintain the peace that God has given you. It's not your own doing but requires maintenance.

This may feel uncomfortable for some but know that you are a new YOU and this is a New Day, New Time, New Season and a NEW YEAR! Enjoy your Fresh Start.


Prophetic Word-Many


Coming of Woe