Unmarried Vent


I can appreciate you wanting to see me married. I can appreciate you wanting to see me in love and being loved. I can appreciate you wanting me to have children.
But, can you appreciate me not wanting to settle? Can you appreciate me wanting God's will. Can you appreciate me wanting to be healed and whole? Can you appreciate me knowing my mandate and mission before Mr showed up? Can you appreciate me stewarding and protecting my gift for the right covenant? Can you appreciate not just anyone can cover me?
I've counseled women from all walks of life and relationship status. One thing I've learned is that marriage is not something to rush, push or take lightly. Though I appreciate you please appreciate my stand knowing I'm worth the wait and marriage is worth waiting for!!!πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’–


Dear Church,
Please stop implying that if someone isn't married by a "certain age" then something must be "wrong" with them. Have you ever considered they are on the path of holiness? Have you ever considered they are on the path to purpose? Have you ever considered they are discovering their mandate? Have you ever considered they are being cleansed, healed and delivered? You may say, "Well how long does that take? I would then ask, "Do you know the depth of their pain or the power of their purpose?" Also, please stop implying that because somone is not married by a certain age they may be in an alternative lifestyle. It's hard to believe that the church can't embrace people truly living holy, pure, sanctified and set apart. Lastly, please stop considering setting us up with your half saved loved ones. Honor our anointing and choice.
#PurityonPurpose #Consider #MaShaniAllen #PowerinHeels
#Fabulously40 #HisModel #WorthTheWait #IsaacOnly #WisdomSpeaks #MaturityListens


Never allow one example to be your only example~#MaShaniAllen


Stop Holding Other People’s Grudges