Unmarried Poem

Unmarried Poem



You look at her and whisper, "something must be wrong"

Instead of seeing that her singleness has empowered her to be healed and become strong.

You look at her and say, "she must be lonely everyday," Instead of seeing she's discovered how to yield and how to pray.

You look at her and wonder, "why can't she be like the rest?"

Instead of realizing she's discovered the will and faith to wait for His best.

You look at her and think, "she waited too long her season is done."

Instead of seeing her healing and wholeness will draw the one.

You look at her and mock the hopes that she thinks towards,

Instead of acknowledging her purity and discipline brings rewards.

Oh watch and see this Woman's Wonder and she shines and receives her righteous plunder!!!


His Goodness


Unmarried Poem